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Conservation Commission Minutes, 07/21/2011
Lenox Conservation Commission
July 21, 2011
Town Hall

Members present: Chair Neal Carpenter, NC; Joe Strauch, JS; Vince Ammendola, VA; Tim Flanagan, TF; Dick Ferren, DF; Rose Fitzgerald Casey, RFC; David Lane, DL

Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, PA

Martin & Judith Bloomfield, NOI, 323 West Mountain Road, Map 27 Parcel 3. Remediate prior alterations within the 100’buffer zone and for landscaping and site improvements within the 100’ buffer zone.

There was a site visit on  July 13, 2011 that was attended by Rob Akroyd, TF, JS, DF, NC, DL and the new landscaping contractor Buzz Gray.  

The front portion of the site has been disturbed by a previous landscape contractor hired by the applicant.  The applicant proposes remediation of the previous landscape contractors’ neglect and to implement landscape improvements within the boundaries of the subject parcel.

The remediation has begun with stabilizing the site with silt fencing and wattles and pulling soil back away from the bases of several trees which border the driveway. Remediation efforts are focused on the area disturbed by the previous landscape contractor.

TF requested that Mr. Akroyd provide an updated plan to show the nature of work that is proposed which includes putting in rockery and additional plant material.  

It was noted that the Commission has not yet received comments from Natural Heritage therefore the hearing should be continued.

RFC made a motion to continue the hearing to August 4, 2011 at 7:30 and DF seconded the motion.   The Commission voted to agree 7-0.    

It was clarified that the applicant has supplied a copy of the NOI to Natural Heritage.   

Ann Phillips RDA, 41 & 42 Sargent Brook Road, Map 1 Parcel’s 21 & 28. Installation of a new septic field and associated components, portions of which are within the buffer zone of Laurel Lake.

A site visit was not necessary as all Commissioners were familiar with the property.  NC did go however.

Representing Ms. Phillips was Rob Akroyd of Greylock Design Associates who reviewed the plans. He explained that the septic system failed and the perk tests indicated that the only viable location for the new system was across the street on another lot owned by Ms. Phillips.   

JS made a motion to issue a Negative III Determination and TF seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 7-0.  
Other business:  
1) NC advised the Commissioners that he had received a call from Kate McNulty Vaughn who inquired about the conservation restriction on the Toole property on Pittsfield Rd.  PA was asked to follow up with Joe Toole.
2) NC advised that Mark Alimansky of Laurel Lake was seeking a date for which Ken Wagner, consultant for Laurel Lake Preservation, LLC, could present the results of his studies.  Mr. Wagner was not available for our August 18, 2011 meeting, but could attend the September 1, 2011 meeting.  The Commission agreed upon September 1, 2011 at 7:30 pm for meeting with Mr. Wagner.  PA invited the Lee Conservation Commission to participate and notified Mr. Wagner and Mr. Alimansky.
Minutes:  RFC made a motion to accept the July 7, 2011 minutes as written and TF seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 7-0.  

RFC made a motion to adjourn at 8 pm and DF seconded the motion.  The Commission voted 7-0 to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola